Feral Hog problem in Louisiana

Photo by Dusan Veverkolog

    Did you know that feral hogs are very adaptable to most climates? Did you also know that they cause 76 million dollars of land damage per year in Louisiana alone? Read more of this blog post to learn about this invasive species.

    Wild boar or Feral Swine are overpopulating the United States and this problem will only get worse. These animals are very adaptive and destructive and with no natural predators, they will begin to run rampant. In Louisiana alone there is an estimated 700,000 wild boar residing in all 64 of their parishes or counties. To maintain the feral hog overpopulation we would have to reduce their population by 70-75%. This would help provide a healthy population of feral hogs in Louisiana.

    These animals uproot planted seeds and ruin hardwood seedlings that should naturally grow. These feral hogs should be one of the animals we are focusing on when hunting. They are delicious and they cause 76 million dollars in damages per year in Louisiana. To keep the wild hogs in check before the overpopulation rises, we should begin hunting them more often. Hunters may hunt these feral hogs year-round in states where hogs may be hunted.   

    This invasive species will get worse if we do not act. These hogs will overpopulate more states if we hunters do not help stabilize their population. So next time you are planning a hunt with some friends or for a weekend getaway. Maybe schedule one down in Louisiana for a nice hog hunt and enjoy the hunt.

For more information on feral hogs and other animals visit www.wlf.louisiana.gov


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